Friday, July 9, 2010

Organic pills?

I recently had the opportunity meet a representative from a weight loss company. Their program involves a diet plan and is based around the supplements, bars, and shakes that they sell. To me, it appeared similar to any other over priced and under healthy diet plan with fake foods that they claim are crucial to success.

When I spoke to her, I could not tell whether the representative genuinely believed what she was saying, or whether she was simply a good salesperson.  She spent a while telling me about the evils of all foods today, including organic and natural.  According to her, they all have chemical contaminants from pesticides or air pollution. I agree that our food probably isn't sterile, but what I'm not sure about is how her company's pills and bars solve the problem. Is it really healthier to eat a pill made from chemically produced vegetable-like compounds than a cup of broccoli? It's hard to believe!  I'm a fan of real food, and not chocolate-coated isoflavonoid meal-replacement tablets.

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